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Why All The Old Tech?

6th Sep 2018

Cigalike electronic cigarettesNew to V2 Cigs UK? Well hello, and how do you do? Nice to make your acquaintance. Whether you’re entering the world of e-cigarettes or are indeed a veteran of vaping, this may well be the first time you’ve come across V2 Cigs UK or Vapour2.

We are Passionate about Vaping

If by now you’ve taken the time to peruse our sensible looking selection of e-cigarettes and vaping kits you may well be thinking to yourself, ‘what’s with all this old tech? Why don’t you sell those funky, clunky looking devices that everybody else does?’

It’s clear for all to see that the vaping industry has exploded and ascended like an eponymous plume of never-ending vapour that is now so commonly associated with vapers and their devices alike. Vape shops are now commonplace on our High Streets, as customers clamour for the latest flavours and maniacal looking machines, and in-turn businesses cash in, in what is a highly competitive and ever-expanding market.

Compared to what you might find elsewhere on the market, you may be thinking that we take a rather rudimental approach to the devices and e-liquids that we proffer to you. Not so new-found-friend, for here at Vapour2, we like to foster a culture of care. Your health is at the heart of what we do, which is why we sell the old, and perhaps, what you may perceive as unfashionable looking e-cigarettes. It’s the kind of device that you think your mum might use right? Your thoughts turn to you vaping on your Vapour2 device, met with gasps of horror from your on looking gang of friends, disapproving frowns en-mass. Judgements aside, choosing Vapour2 products is choosing an altogether healthier approach to appeasing your nicotine addiction.

Vaping is seen by many as a safer alternative to tobacco cigarettes. Public Health England declared e-cigarettes to be up to 95% safer than tobacco cigarettes, though importantly, findings were based on research regarding first and second generation vaping devices , as opposed to the sub-ohm technology that seems to be developing at an exponential rate.

The sub-ohm type devices that you find ubiquitously used by those around you, have an increased and variable power rate that enables users to experience enhanced flavour as well as to create those huge clouds of vapour that now such a common site. But what are you doing to your body by creating and inhaling that much vapour? And what about those around you? The fact is that not a whole lot of testing has been done, though what we can tell you is that the hotter you heat your e-liquid, the more formaldehyde that are created. Our guess is that’s not such a healthy concoction to be consuming on a regular basis.

Sub Ohm Devices

For some, sub-ohm vape kits may be the way. The nicotine and tanks size limitations currently imposed on the vaping industry just doesn’t work for some smokers who are used to heavy doses. MP’s, along with the UK Vaping Industry Association are currently lobbying for a review to take place and amendments made based on scientific evidence and testing of products. Until this time, it is our wholehearted recommendation that you stick with the tried and tested devices declared safe to use by Public Health England.

We like to think that if you’ve taken the courageous step to quit smoking and switch to vaping, then we can help you to reduce the harm to your body that you may have experienced from your traditional smoking habits. If you’re looking to relinquish your ritualistic approach to nicotine, and attempt to improve your health, it’s important to remember exactly just that – your health. Why not try one of our starter kits today and start your journey to a new smoke-free you.