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A Briton Switches to Vaping Every 240 Seconds

1st Apr 2017

Quit SmokingThe growth of vapour is reaching truly historic proportions. We know you’ve heard this before, and at some point it may get old, but still. The change going on in societies around the world is truly something to behold. It is a testament to how one new invention, at the right time and in the right place, can simply change the world. That’s where we are with vapour at this point, and it has to feel good for everyone who is involved in the vapour industry.

Are we being overly grandiose in our self-praise? Sure, it’s possible. But the proof is in the numbers. The data has shown that millions of people around the world are benefiting from switching to vaping. With so many smokers having tried so many different ways to get away from their habit, with little or no success, this idea of switching to vapour may have been a last resort for many. This was especially the case when electronic cigarettes and other vapour devices first began appearing.

What might have been a last gasp for smokers years ago, has turned into a primary option now. This is reinforced by new data that shows British smokers are switching to vapour at the rate of one every four minutes. Go ahead and count to 240, and by the time you get there another Briton will have made the switch to vaping. That’s shorter than a tube ride to work. It’s less time than it takes you to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, this time without needing a tobacco cigarette along with it.

The UK is Vapour Friendly

One big reason for that amazing one in 240 seconds number is how friendly the UK has become for vapour. This is no small feat, either. Over in America, we’ve not only seen tax increases, but certain states have proposed bans too. Whether it be bans on certain flavours or bans on where people can vape, the approach is of treating vapour as a nemesis instead of a friend. Thankfully, Britons have taken a very different approach to vapour and it has been paying off in kind.

We aren’t the only ones seeing it, either. Charles Bloom, who runs another vapour brand, was quoted recently saying, “There’s no question that the e-cigarette industry is forging its place within the British market.” This was in response to a survey they did showing that major cities across the UK have embraced the presence of vapour. “The example set by London, Birmingham and Edinburgh proves there is an audience for electronic alternatives,” noted Bloom. We couldn’t agree more.

This best part of this positive approach to vapour is that it simply saves lives. We already know that Public Health England has declared electronic cigarettes as 95% safer than cigarettes, one of a number of points that we’ve dubbed as An Inconvenient Truth . We know that vapour is helping people, not only from anecdotal evidence, but also from data that has streamed in from many studies. The fact that it has reached one in every 240 seconds is impressive, but really shouldn’t be surprising.

That’s because, despite fears that vapour growth has stalled in the UK, it most certainly has not . The vapour industry is committed to changing the way we live our lives as Britons. Dreaming of a world with no more smoke may have seemed like a fantasy even just a few years ago, but it is well on its way to becoming a reality. This is a world we would rather live in. For smokers, we’re sure it’s a world they would rather live in too. When they try one of our V2 starter kits for the first time, they know they’ve come upon an answer. We’re just happy to being doing our part and contributing to that grand 1-in-240 number.

Read our disclaimer on Vaping and Smoking Cessation