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Comment on the Public Health England Report

12th Nov 2015

Paul Hunt, UK, managing director of V2 Cigs UK said: “I have always been impressed with the balanced approach that Public Health England has taken when comparing the harm reduction benefits of e-cigarettes to any unknown risks. This new report will hopefully dispel many of the myths surrounding vaping and help educate the public on the benefits that it can bring.

“The bottom line is that switching to e-cigarettes offers the potential for significant health improvements for many smokers, and thousands of lives could be saved if smokers switch to e-cigarettes. In the long term there will also hopefully be significant cost savings for the NHS due to a reduction in smoking related conditions.

“Experience has shown that smokers are not likely to kick the habit through sheer will power alone. The message that we’ve heard from Public Health England today is simple: vaping offers a healthier alternative.”

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