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Vaping News & E-Cigarette Reviews

​How to Persist With Your Decision to Quit Smoking

10th May 2024

To persist by definition is to continue with a course of action, despite difficulty or opposition. And there is no shame in admitting that it can be difficult to give up cigarettes. After all, it’s packed with high amounts of nicotine, which is a highly addictive chemical, in addition to roughly a spoonful of sugar per cigarette. Deciding to give up smoking for good can be a monumental change in your life – for the better. But taking that bold step is just the beginning of the journey. The
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​Are Vapes More Effective Than NRT's to Replace Cigarettes?

10th May 2024

The addictive nature of the chemical compound nicotine cannot be denied. High levels of nicotine are found in cigarettes (although it’s not stated on each packet how much exactly). So even though for decades we have known the dangers to human health when smoking, and the thousands of lethal toxins inside each cigarette, it’s still difficult to stop. Like with any addictive substance, such as caffeine or sugar. What nicotine replacement therapies do is slowly help you wean off the nat
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​5 Market Predictions for Nicotine/Tobacco Products 2024

10th May 2024

Prefilled pods/cartridges will take the number one spot Cigalikes and Vape mods will rise again New laws could create a black market vape surge Manufacturers will push to innovate Shortfills will decrease in popularity due to price hike The landscape for vape products is an ever-changing and ever-moving industry, which is no great surprise, considering the shifts over the past two decades. Flashing back to 2012 when V2 Cigs started, our brand started as a small business off
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​Top 10 Reasons to Quit Smoking for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

18th Apr 2024

Improved physical & mental health Safer for your loved ones Save money during the financial living crisis No Longer a social outcast with non-smokers Lack of flavour with cigarettes Better for the environment Maintain a healthy weight and enjoy food again Increase in life expectancy Tax duty rates on tobacco could increase further Set a good example for future generations It’s recognised by current statistics that one in eight adult people currently smoke
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Top 10 Health Benefits after Quitting Smoking Cigarettes

18th Apr 2024

Fewer heart issues/reduced chance of heart attack Improved lung function Increases life expectancy Cleaner teeth Body odour improves Senses of taste and smell improve More physical energy Better mental health Improved blood circulation Reduced fertility Based on figures from the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) report, in 2024 it’s estimated that there is still 1.25 billion people who smoke cigarettes worldwide. Despite this large number of the global population smoking,
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​How to Quit Smoking Guide

18th Apr 2024

Spring is upon us, a symbol of a new transformation from the cold of winter to flowers blooming and the warmer weather. But is it a new you? At this time, we always reflect on change, new beginnings, and what we can accomplish moving forward. One goal many targets is to quit smoking, as soon as possible. For millions in the UK, quitting smoking is a difficult challenge. This is only natural, considering its addictive and habitual nature. Last year, NHS statistics showed in the first q
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Is Vaping Cheaper Than Smoking?

18th Apr 2024

We're in the middle of a financial living crisis. If you live in the UK and currently smoke, the price of tobacco products has never been higher. The prices of many products in the UK are going up, so any method to save and see more in the bank balance is always positive! With smoking numbers declining year on year, has vaping helped with that shift? Questions regarding the cost of e-cigarettes and whether vaping is cheaper than smoking is the reason you’ve landed on this blog.
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Best Vape Kits for Beginners With Varied Smoking Habits

18th Apr 2024

Vape kits are proving to be one of the most effective methods to help people quit smoking successfully. More so even than nicotine patches or gum. Why you ask? Because it’s the closest method in habit to smoking, performing the same action by inhaling nicotine, but without the thousands of other dangerous toxins. It allows the vaper greater control over what they’re inhaling at the push of a button or even by auto-draw like you would a cigarette. There are thousands of different
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